Welcome Newcomers

Welcome Letter

I am so glad you are visiting our website. I hope you will find everything you are looking for and more.

In 2004, by God’s grace, an Asian congregation from a nearby church joined us to become who we are today: a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural body of Christ. It is our conviction that God formed us this way so that we can be a place for all people of all backgrounds and ethnicity. Whoever you are and whatever your life circumstance, you will find people who will greet you and love you with the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

And it’s true. Every visitor that’s visited us have said the same thing: “I felted welcomed and loved.” And if you plan on visiting us, I hope you will make plans to stay for lunch on us. We make some amazing food! Check out our church lunch crew at Instagram!

Our worship time is 10:00am on Sundays.


Can I bring my children to worship?

We love children at Bethany! Most of our members are families of all age groups and we have a great group of teachers to help nurture our children in faith formation. Our children worship with the adults intentionally — so that they understand they are important parts of the Body of Christ, and they receive children’s sermon every worship.

Is it possible to visit Bethany and not be a member of the church?

At Bethany, we believe that membership is never a requirement to worship God. We want to reflect Jesus in all ways, and that includes the freedom to come and worship by any and all people. If you choose to be a member at a later time, we will gladly welcome it, but we will never insist upon it.

Can I take communion at Bethany?

Communion is a sacred event (we call it a sacrament) in which Jesus invites to his Table all who profess him as their personal Savior and Lord. And so here at Bethany, you don’t have to be a member or attend a special class before you can participate in communion with us. It’s open to all Christians.

Can my child to be baptized?

At Bethany, we baptize infants of those whose parent is a Christian. And because we take covenant seriously, we want the parent to worship with us and if possible, to become members at Bethany. That way, when the congregation arises to promise to help raise the child in faith, we mean it with a hope that the child and the parent will continue to worship with us as a part of the faith community. If you’d like for your infant or child to be baptized, contact us.

Isn’t Bethany an Asian Church?

It’s true that many of us are Asian American, however, our members and visitors reflect the variety of ethnicity and culture, and we value our commitment to valuing a multi-cultural community. We think that once you visit us, you will see how diverse we are, and you will feel comfortable right away!

What to Expect

Our worship style is a blending of both the contemporary and the traditional – we do some liturgy and sing hymns, and we have an excellent praise team that leads us in modern praise. Our worship is intentionally intergenerational with our children and youths fully engaged in worship with the adults. And we have no dress code – you can come as you are.

Where Do My Kids Go?

We welcome parents to bring their babies into worship because Jesus loves our little ones. As for preschoolers, we have a dedicated ministry for them at our preschool room at the back of the sanctuary. There they will sing and dance and play music, and then make crafts together. Parents are welcome to sit with them, or they can join the congregation in worship and leave the children knowing they are being cared for and loved.

Our children worship  with the parents and they will have children’s sermon time during worship. After worship, the children go with their teachers to their class for learning Bible through crafts and games. They will join their parents afterwards for lunch.

Our youths join the adults for worship. After worship, the youth students gather in small groups with their teachers (middle school & senior high) for further Bible study and sharing of lives. Afterwards, they join the parents and the rest of the church for lunch at the fellowship hall.

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We Would Love to See You on Easter.

Our Easter celebration occurs on Sunday 03/31/24 from 10am to 11am. If you are joining us, please RSVP with the requested info below: